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about social stories

Social stories provide the child with autism with in a ‘concrete’ way, which may improve a person’s understanding of a previously difficult or confusing situation or activity. By providing the child with information about what might happen in a particular situation, and some guidelines for behaviour you can increase structure in their life and thereby reduce anxiety. Creating or using a social story can also help to understand how the autistic person perceives different situations. A social story should always answer the six questions: where, when, who, what, how and why? The story should accurately describe where the situation occurs, who is there, what happens and why e.g. Christmas Holidays, Going to the Doctor or Playing with my Friends.


These are some social stories that may assist children with some everyday tasks:


1.Washing my Hands

2.Going to the Toilet (Girl):

3.Going to the Toilet (Boy):

4.Blowing my Nose:

5. I can brush my teeth:

please note

We would advise that the most beneficial way to view these modules is in chronological order as this will give the user a more complete perspective on that particular subject. For example the presentation in the area of anxiety is designed to introduce the viewer to the topic of anxiety and moves on to anxiety and autism, causes and strategies and finally information on how to manage anxiety. Many of the other presentations are also presented in this way.


Brightening the future for autistic children & their families

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