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  • Writer's pictureKieran McAuliffe

Seasons Greetings From The Shine Centre – Paul McGuirk Chairperson

As the year draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and kindness during the last year. We don’t say it enough but none of this would be possible without our wonderful staff, parents, friends, supporters and colleagues across the autism community. We must thank our children and adolescents who bring so much to the services and programmes we offer and let them know that we are hugely proud of their efforts and we look forward to each of them continuing to shine in 2015.

I would also like to thank our Corporate supporters for their commitment to Shine and my fellow members of the Board for their work in ensuring that our organisation can continue to deliver our range of services to our children.

Merry Christmas & Every Best Wish for 2015.

Paul McGuirk

Chairperson Shine Centre for Autism.  


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