The Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Des Cahill hosted a reception for staff from the Bon Secours Hospital, The Shine Centre and Doodle Creative at City Hall yesterday. The reception was to mark the presentation of a National CSR Award to the Bon Secours Hospital for “Excellence in the Community” presented by Chambers Ireland. The Bon Secours Hospital Cork won the award for their support of Shine’s Social Skills for Autism App.
Harry Canning, Hospital Manager with BSHC commented … “we are delighted to be able to support such an innovative project through our Community Initiative Fund. It has reached in excess of 30,000 children after just 18 months and is a fantastic success.”To win the Chambers Ireland Award 2016 for Bon Secours Hospital Cork is a great honour. The Hospital beat off stiff competition from Bank of Ireland and Datapac, in the same category.
Laura Crowley (Shine) and Harry Canning Bon Secours Hospital Cork with the Lord Mayor
The Social Skills for Autism app – known as ‘Mission Rescue Kloog’ is designed to teach children, adolescents, teenagers and young people with autism the social skills they need to operate effectively and comfortably in social situations. “Children and adolescents with Autism often find social situations very difficult. There are so many social rules that are not instinctive to people with autism, which means that they have to work at learning these rules. This can be confusing and cause anxiety as many social rules are unwritten and not spoken about,” said Laura Crowley, Director of Education at SHINE Ireland.
Bon Secours Health System is a significant supporter of charitable causes nationally. Annually we commit between €400,000 – €500,000 to charitable causes. Each Bon Secours Hospital invests annually, through its Community Initiative Programme, in worthwhile projects that add value to the lives of the most vulnerable in society, and that bring about a social good.
Harry Canning & Andrew McCarthy (Bon Secours) Lord Mayor Cllr. Des Cahill and Denis Collins (Chairman Smarter Senses Programme Shine Ireland)
Denis Collins the Chairman of the Smarter Senses Committee thanked the Lord Mayor for his hospitality and his interest in the Social Skills for Autism App. Denis told the assembled guests:
“There is something special happening – the Smarter Senses vision is demonstrating globally relevant thought leadership and unique collaboration across industry, government, public sector and academia. The model is generating results across the technical, social, academic and commercial spectrum. We are building on this, and will position Shine & Ireland Inc. as a global thought leader for early intervention.”